Keep Your Feet on the Ground

It is important for those of us who have a political or activist mindset to keep our feet on the ground.

While you are focused on whatever it is that is stressing you at the moment, you need to remember why it is you put yourself through it.

Whether you are in small town politics, and are spending time in a conference room fighting with those who should be your allies, or you are an activist standing on the picket line, marching in demonstrations, or when it comes down to it, tossing bricks, or a blogger, who is processing all the chaos that is taking place in this world so that you can filter it and present it in a way that is sane and reasonable to a normal person, remember why you are there.

Remember that the normal things in life are still taking place. Those little things that make life what it is. Remember that families are still going on outings, and children are doing their best to learn in school. Babies are learning to crawl and to talk, and life goes on.

For most, that is the entire point. We want to make a world that is better, cleaner, safer for things like that.

Screw the details, whether you consider yourself an activist or just an overly political Facebook user, a Republican, a Democrat, a Socialist or an Anarchist we are all out there fighting the same fight in our own way for the same reasons.

So, when the stress starts to weigh on you, just remember: Sometimes you have to say fuck it, and back away for a bit. You have to take a moment to take care of yourself and think about all the little things in life, and forget about whatever it is that is stressing you the hell out.

I know it is easier said than done, especially if you are one of those who are physically in the fray. Just remember, no person is an island and we all have to stand together. You aren’t going to be able to hold your brother up if you let yourself fall.