Keep Your Feet on the Ground

It is important for those of us who have a political or activist mindset to keep our feet on the ground.

While you are focused on whatever it is that is stressing you at the moment, you need to remember why it is you put yourself through it.

Whether you are in small town politics, and are spending time in a conference room fighting with those who should be your allies, or you are an activist standing on the picket line, marching in demonstrations, or when it comes down to it, tossing bricks, or a blogger, who is processing all the chaos that is taking place in this world so that you can filter it and present it in a way that is sane and reasonable to a normal person, remember why you are there.

Remember that the normal things in life are still taking place. Those little things that make life what it is. Remember that families are still going on outings, and children are doing their best to learn in school. Babies are learning to crawl and to talk, and life goes on.

For most, that is the entire point. We want to make a world that is better, cleaner, safer for things like that.

Screw the details, whether you consider yourself an activist or just an overly political Facebook user, a Republican, a Democrat, a Socialist or an Anarchist we are all out there fighting the same fight in our own way for the same reasons.

So, when the stress starts to weigh on you, just remember: Sometimes you have to say fuck it, and back away for a bit. You have to take a moment to take care of yourself and think about all the little things in life, and forget about whatever it is that is stressing you the hell out.

I know it is easier said than done, especially if you are one of those who are physically in the fray. Just remember, no person is an island and we all have to stand together. You aren’t going to be able to hold your brother up if you let yourself fall.

Net Neutrality

So, there is this argument/debate going on about net neutrality.

If you are reading this, then the internet is likely a major part of your life. There is a good chance that it is involved in everything you do in some ways. If you are reading this on a two to five inch screen, then it is almost guaranteed.

I know that I am always on Facebook. I get recipes online. I use the internet to learn about everything. Even if I don’t play a lot of online games these days (time issue), the internet is where I get most of my games. Seriously, Origin and Steam take up the vast majority of a terabyte hard drive with just over a hundred gigs free on it (For those who don’t know, Origin is EA Game’s version of Steam. If you don’t know what Steam is, it has been described as “The iTunes of Games.” If you don’t know what iTunes is, I think you are probably here by accident because you are trying to figure out who left their phone laying on the bench in some public place).

Now, how does this all apply to the issue of net neutrality?

The internet is a platform that ties pretty much everything together. It is made up of a massive number of networks that are tied together by a massive backbone. That backbone, and its connections to the smaller networks, is where the battle is taking place. And it is a battle. There may not be guns involved, but the outcome will impact all of us in one way or another.

A few decades ago, it was decided that this backbone (or these backbones rather) would carry data between networks in a neutral manner. Data going to Yahoo and Google would have the same level of priority as data going to a blog or a personal web page. This simple concept built the internet as we know it. This concept was the most important building block that allowed us to build the world we have today. It is what allowed small time web developers to create empires. It is what allowed Facebook to ever become a thing. It is what allows people on AOL to access websites that are not on the AOL network (If you have been online long enough, and started out on AOL, you may have a special understanding of this one).

The concept is simple: I pay my ISP. Facebook pays their ISP. The ISP’s then pay for access to the backbone. We get access to each other (i.e. I can access Facebook). Everyone pays for what they use.

Now, enter the idea of eliminating net neutrality. Suddenly, I pay my ISP. Netflix pays their ISP. Our ISP’s pay the backbones. So far so good. Now, suddenly Netflix gets a letter from the backbone provider that goes something like this “Want to keep your bandwidth up? Send us a check, and we will make sure you get better speeds.”

Wait a minute. They ALREADY paid for that bandwidth. They shouldn’t have to pay again.

Another form that it can take, that is a little less obvious, but just as bad, say it’s not the backbone that is doing this, but MY ISP. Say, Time Warner sends Netflix a letter saying “We have a pool of customers in common. If you want them to continue to enjoy the Netflix experience, you are going to pay us.”

Wait a minute. I already paid my ISP for just that experience. I already pay a MASSIVE amount (compared to the speed we get Americans pay more for internet access than most of the rest of the world) for access to the internet, and to get good speeds. The ISP specifically said that these speeds are ideal for streaming movies.

With net neutrality, we all pay for the bandwidth we use, the ISP’s and the backbone providers get filthy rich.

Without net neutrality, we all pay for the bandwidth we use, and content providers also pay for the bandwidth we use. They pretty much have to pass that extra expense on to us if they are going to stay in business. After all, this whole most expensive crappy internet in the world thing impacts them too, not just us.

The end result is that any company large enough to be able to afford to pay the kickbacks is going to be able to keep going, but their prices are going to go up. I am probably one of the most anti-corporate people I know, but I am not likely to blame them when that happens. Some of the really large ones may be able to balance the costs in order to keep the price hike from being too much, but those in the middle won’t have an option.

The smaller companies we deal with on a day to day basis? Well, they are going to have to come up with ways to make the experience of accessing their services comfortable with sub-par speeds, because in a world where people have become accustomed to being able to download data at high speeds, a slow page load will be sufficient to kill many companies out right.

If net neutrality dies, then so does an important part of the net. Net neutrality is what keeps the internet grassroots alive. I personally have a blog (you are likely reading this either on Facebook or on that blog). My blog is hosted by a small time ISP. They have server banks in three countries, but they are still tiny as far as ISP’s go. If net neutrality dies, I hope that they can afford to pay the extra fees to keep speeds decent. If they have to raise their prices to do so, I will completely understand.

The better option though is for us to find a way to make the politicians understand that net neutrality is important to the little guy, and the little guy is who votes for them. We need to find a way to insure that the politicians feel that their stance on net neutrality can have a real impact on their electoral chances. Just as importantly though, we have to make sure that this happens while the opposition is spending massive amounts of money to make things go their way.

After all, in a post “Citizens United” America, their stance on net neutrality already impacts their chances at reelection, because the telco’s are spending money on lobbying and advertising. Guess who is going to get the big corporate bucks for their campaign war chests.

Common Core, and Punching at Shadows

I am seeing a lot of posts lately about Common Core. Yes, Common Core is so much bullshit, but so are most of the posts.

If you see some obscenely politically biased piece of tripe posted as an example of what common core is, recognize it for what it is.

It is a teacher, a school district, or a private company that wrote the curriculum the school is using taking advantage of your children and blaming it on a standard that doesn’t even cover most of the issues that are being blamed on it.

Common core has its issues, I am not a supporter of it. What I am a supporter of though is reality. There is a lot of BS going on out there, and they are using common core as a scapegoat to get away with it.

If you want to know what is in the Common Core, go look at it. It is easy to find. Google and Bing will bring it up real quick. I am including a link though, just in case.

It deals with mathematics and language skills. That is pretty much it. It deals with foundational educational stuff. My objections to it stem from the fact that it is very much biased towards improving things in wealthy areas, while telling pretty much everyone else they can fuck off. That is totally ignoring the fact that it is biased entirely against anyone who is not “normal.”

The worst part though is that it is a standard designed to create the workforce of the twenty first century, and not well rounded students. We don’t need more cogs. We need people.

Yes, there are plenty of reasons to dislike common core, but it designed as an economic tool to feed the corporate state capitalistic machine, and is not some liberal ploy to poison the minds of our children.

Common Core holds no political bias, but the bastards that are producing these worksheets we keep seeing on the web sure as hell do.

Yes, fight against Common Core, but also fight against the assholes who are using it as a cudgel to hammer their world views into our children’s heads. It doesn’t matter if they are left leaning or right leaning. Schools should teach children how to think, not what to think.


We are Freaking Out Over Nonsense

So… I see a trend, and it is not just on the right.

People are picking up on “scandals” and “outrages” that are being fed to them by their respective “wings” of the media.

People are getting all worked up on little things that are at most slights, and offenses.

People are freaking out over things that are flat out not true and have been debunked a thousand times over, because their favorite pundit is still pushing the issue.

You know what else is happening as a result?

It is a heck of a lot easier for the media to conveniently overlook some pretty heinous stuff. It is a heck of a lot easier for the media to run horse and pony shows while the real news is overlooked, ignored, or worst yet, flat out changed.

Stephen Colbert has a slogan for his show: “When news breaks, we fix it.” There is a reason for this. He is a satirist, and that is how he sees the real “news” media most of the time.

If we are taking the horse and pony show, and seeing it as real news; If we are accepting all the little nit picking details as controversy; then it is a hell of a lot easier for the media outlets to feed us the party line. It is a lot easier for them to make out normal people as criminals and heroes as villains.

We have wars going on that are not legal under international law. These wars are only called wars when it is convenient, such as when they want to invoke the espionage act.

We have secret laws: you know the thing that once sent famous politicians into a frenzy because they were introduced in other countries. These secret laws are being used to clamp down on first, fourth, and fifth amendments.

We have journalists under investigation by the FBI and CIA for… Yeah, journalism. Peaceful activists are on FBI watch lists, and potential whistle blowers dare not speak up without fleeing the country first (or at least preparing to do so).

Let me ask you this: What is a bigger issue, protecting your already existing right to say “Merry Christmas” that no one is trying to take away, or the fact that pretty much all of our online communications and the meta-data on all of our phone calls is being stored away in a massive database out in the desert? Now, which one have you heard more about on the news?

Don’t Let the Perfect be the Enemy of the Good

Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Just because you cannot do everything does not mean you should do nothing.

No task worth recording in the annals of history was truly completed by one person.

No great movement for good rests upon the shoulders of one being.

Every great change takes time, and effort, and the participation of the masses.

Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man, but his work was not to bring change.  His work was to motivate thousands of other people to bring change.  The same is true of Mahatma Gandhi, and even the Buddha.

Consider the traditional example of a river.  A few drops of water by themselves do not cut a valley through the mountains.  Even the initial rushing river does not make the change instantly.  Over time however, millions upon millions of droplets of water combining together and flowing in a single direction carved out even the Grand Canyon itself.

 There is much to be done in this world to make it the place that we all want it to be, and the tasks ahead are truly momentous.  They are not however tasks for a single person who can complete them in one grand action.  They are not even tasks that a single man can complete in an entire lifetime.

They are tasks for us all to work towards.  They are tasks for us all to contribute to.

The matter of hunger in this world is a grave crisis.  One person cannot repair the damage that has been done.  However, one person may be able to provide a single meal for another.  Will it fix the problem completely? No.  Is it the “perfect” solution that will make the problem end forever? No.  Will it make a difference? Yes.

One person can help to feed another.  A group of people can provide training to others.  People can help their fellow man.  It may not bring change instantly, but over time, as more people work together as pressure grows, we can make change like the river that cuts a canyon through stone.

You cannot save the world, but you do not have to.  Do what you can.  Do everything you can.  Let other people know what your cause is so that they can do the same.  Do not try to be the river, but don’t refuse to be the droplets either.