Welcome to our community. Pardon my dust while I get things situated and figure out the ins and outs of running a blog and a Patreon page.
Going forward, blog posts will appear first in the Patreon Only feed on the Patreon site, and then a few days later on the FellowTravelers.net website.
Some of the posts already on the website are a little old and have been brought over from other sites so that I didn’t lose them. They should give you a good idea of the range of things I am inclined to write about. I am always on the lookout for inspiration.
You are free to provide feedback on the Patreon site, or via comments on the blog. I have installed the Disqus plugin which will allow people to log in and comment with various social media logins. I look forward to the conversations. Dialogue is vital to communication, education, and organization. I hope to do some of each through this community.