Fake News Sites

I am making this a page and not a blog entry so that I can reference it more easily in future.

There are a number of websites out there that post fake news. Some of them call themselves satire. Some refuse to even acknowledge that they are distributing false information.

Some of the sites really ARE satire sites. They say so, and they follow a few simple guidelines to keep from pissing off the world, or running afoul of journalistic integrity.

For this reason, I will divide the list into two parts, Satire, and Fake News. This list will be updated over time. If new categories are needed, I will adjust that as well.

Needles to say “Fake News” is not a good thing. I want to keep my language clean in this page so that it is safe to distribute.

Regardless of the list that a link is on, the pages here should not be taken as serious news. The Satire sites may be good springboards to give you terms that you can use to search for real news, but the articles themselves are not generally going to be real.

Satire Sites

Fake News

  • RealFarmacy
  • David Avocado Wolfe
  • Breitbart
  • Info Wars